Opener Music: "it's peanut butter and jelly time"
Dance Music: "smooth criminal
State Fair: 3rd place! (and we competed Varsity!)
Cheer LTD: 1st place! Woohoo!
Cheer LTD (another competition): 1st place
State Invitationals in Raleigh: 3rd/14 (and we should have had 2nd!!!! we were penalized for things
we didnt do!)
State's in Chapel Hill: 3rd place :) that ROCKS!

[[[ the front of our awesome t-shirts ]]] |

[[[ and heres the back ]]] |

. megan . |

. katie . |

. justine . |

. claire . |

. alex . |

. victoria . |

. steph . |

. lexie . |

. tink . |

. jaclyn . |

. holly . |

. carrie . |

. cara . |

.brittany . |

. ashley . |