[Chelsea walking around Philly!!] |
[Us Eating Our Philly Cheese Steaks] |
[Us Sitting on a Giant Monopoly Hat] |
[Haha....this is a GREAT picture of Jeremy...cough cough] |
[This is the boat that all the campers and some of the youth got to go on!] |
[Chelsea and one of the campers enjoying the boat trip!] |
[Chelsea and Justin purpleing...lol] |
[Chris and Mer in the van on the way to Goodwill to buy clothes for prom!] |
[Everyone half-ready for the "prom" at the camp] |
[Ally and Heather smiling for the camera :) !!!] |
["Boop" (one of the campers), Megan, Heather, Francis (also a camper), Brian, Laura, and Jaclyn] |
[Scott (a memeber of the staff), Laura, Megan and Jaclyn] |
[A Pretty View of Philly] |
[Heather and Laura Sitting on a Giant Monopoly Hat] |
[This is why you never let Justin take a picture!] |
[Awwww....its Jeremy and Josh, one of the campers] |
[An overhead view of the dance floor on the boat!] |
[Laura at the campsite....LOL] |
[Megan and Laura in their matching Son Servants shirts!] |
[Talk about an oxymorron...Goodwill Fashions] |
[Heather dancing with one of the campers at "prom"] |
[Laura, Ally, and Julie at "prom"] |
[Jeremy's white legs...even my DAD thought this was funny!] |
[Matt with his fingernails painted PINK!] |
[Laura, Heather, Audrey, and Mer riding the metro in DC] |
[a gorgeous picture of the Washington Monument] |
[Megan, Justin, and Chelsea with Gobbstoppers in their mouths!] |
[Laura looking at another pretty-ful building in DC] |
[Megan showing off an awesome doll house at the Smithsonian Museum of History] |
[Rebecca and Laura posing with a really important looking statue in the museum!] |
["..hopes this issue jams every comp...for forcing us 2 deface our covers w/ this yucky UPC symbol"] |
[The White House...woohoo...this is as close as we could get!] |
[Audrey standing in front of the place where they make money!!!] |
[A picture inside the Jefferson Memorial] |
[some of the youth and campers playin ball in the pOOL] |
[everyone at the metro station place] |
[a purty pic in Philladelphia] |
[matt, justin, n chelsea after a PUDDING FIGHT!] |
[a buncha the youth sittin in the grass waiting for sumthing] |
[anuther roofing picture!!!!! ] |
[Laura and TJ-aka pudding face!] |
[The "purple peeple eater" work group and the deck they re-did] |
[One of they pretty-ful buildings in Washington DC] |
[Audrey, Brian, Heather, and Laura eating mexican food at a festival in DC] |
[Laura and Jaclyn with Gobbstoppers in their mouths!] |
[Laura pointing out the flag at half staff for Ronald Ragean] |
[Jaclyn, Laura, Megan, and Rebecca posing with the ruby slippers used in the Wizard of Oz] |
[Laura, Jaclyn, and Megan posing with the cardboard cut-outs of all the first ladies] |
[Rebecca, Laura, and Megan on this subway thingy at the museum] |
[The Lincoln Memorial...woohoo] |
[Jaclyn, Audrey, Laura, and Megan in front of the Jefferson Memorial] |
[Jaclyn and the camper who wanted to marry her (steven)...FREEZE GUN! haha] |
[me, heather, and some others ROOFING A HOUSE! heckkk yayuh!] |
[a purtyful picture of the washington monument] |
[us n Laura once our Advil kicked in.........hahaha great times] |
[heather n laura in the pool with frances, one of the campers] |
[megan, chelsea, jaclyn, laura, and matt chillaxin in the poool] |