The Bride:

The bride's name is Chelsea Campbell. Her dress is made of John Deere plaid, yellow fabric, and green fabric.
The Groom:

The grooms name is Jared Barbee. His jacket and pants are made of yellow fabric, his shoes are green, his tie is
green, his cuffs, pockets, and the inside of his jacket are made of John Deere plaid.
The Maid(s) of Honor:
The Bride's Maids:
The Best Man:
The Groom's Men:
The Organist:
*Jean Howie (she will be playing all music on car horns)
The Other Music:
*Ben Burr
*Kathy Dulan
*Revernd Clyde Cook
*Matt and Pat
The Setup:

The wedding is an outdoor the parking lot of Troutmans! The pastor will stand in the back of a truck,
and his bible will be placed on the top of the truck. The bride will be taken up the aisle in the back of a pick up
truck, and then she will be dropped of onto two low trailors attached to John Deere tractors. The groom will also stand
on the trailors. The people watching the wedding will just park their cars in front of the set up as shown, with the
shortest cars in the front and the tallest in the back.

(The Truck Chelsea Will Ride Down the Aisle In) |
The Rings:

The Outfits:
Fabric for the Bride's Maids Dresses: |

A Sample of One: |

Fabric for the Grooms's Men's Outfits: |

(Green suits w/ yellow shirts and shoes) |
Fabric for the flower girl's dress: |

A sample of the flower girl's dress: |

The fabric used for the bride and groom: |

The Cake:
I don't have a picture of the cake, but I do have a picture of the cake topper...

The Bouquet:

The bouquet is made up of yellow roses, and mini John Deere tractors attached to car antennas.